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Nome:Vincenzo Paonessa

La scorsa estate per ilnostroviaggio di nozzeio e miamoglieabbiamoscelto di andare in india,una meta fantastica e da visitareassolutamente.Perilnostro tour abbiamodeciso di contattare un driver datochespostarsi da unacitta' all'altra e' difficile per i pochimezzi di trasportopubblico e veramenteincasinato.Abbiamosceltoil signor RanjeetSingh,inlui non abbiamotrovato solo un ottimo e competente driver ma un vero e propriocompagno di viaggio,una persona assolutamentecordiale,simpaticata e disponibilissima.abbiamofattoil tour del rajasthan,10giorni meravigliosi,passando da ubacitta' all'altraaffidandociallacompetenza di Ranjeetcheoltre a darci per qualsiasicosaspiegazioni da vera e propriaguidaturistica,ciaiutavaanche con consigli e ricerca di alberghi e ristoranti.Insommapiu' che un driver abbiamotrovato un amico,perquestonoi lo consigliamovivamente.unsaluto,ciao.

Nome: Enrico Leonetti

Ciao a tutti, Michiamo Enrico e sonoappenatornatodall' India/ Nepal dopounviaggio di 3 settimane. Prima dellapartenza ho ipotizzato di affittareunamacchina con autista per velocizzarealcunispostamentidandomi la possibilità di vedereilmaggiornumero di luoghipossibili. Misonoimbattuto in questo forum e come alcuniprecedentiviaggiatori ho richiestopreventivi e itinerari di viaggio a moltiautisti e agenzie, alla fine ho scelto,, dopo un attentaselezionedellerispostericevute e deisuggerimenti a me dati:


Il miogiudiziosuRanjeed è del tuttopositivo per unaserie di aspettipratici e no che vi voglioillustrare.

1- Macchinapulita e confortevole

2- Stile di guidacalmo e impeccabile (importante per non svenire a gnisorpasso)

3- Conoscenzaapprofonditadellestradeprincipali e secondarie, utile per saltarevelocementeingorghichepossonodurare ore.

4- Puntualitàtedesca per orari di arrivo e pick up.

5- Suggerimenti e consigliutili al nostro planning.

6- Nessuntentativo di portarci in negozi o alberghi a luinoti o "conosciuti" se non su nostra esplicitarichiesta (per qantorigurada lo shopping

Ranjeed ci ha portato, su nostra richiesta, direttamentenellefabbriche di tessuti e porcellane dove si ha la migliorescelta per prezzi,qualità e colorisenzaessereassliti da i classicinegozianti e con la possibilitòà di inviarepacchipostali per non aggiungere peso allozaino.)--NON E' UN COMMISSION MAN -----

7- Massimagentilezza e diponibilità per tutti i piccoliproblemichesipossonopalesaredurante un viaggio: internet, chiamateaglialberghi, truffe per strada,etc etc.

8- Da espertoconoscitore del trinagolod'oro ci ha datopreziosiconsigli e guidato in luoghi molto menoturistici e molto affascinanti, propridellaculturaindiana.

Dopoesserearrivati a Agra al fine di proseguire per Varanasi Ranjeed ci ha consigliato di non andare con la macchina (20 ore di guida con stradepiene di buchecherendonoimpossibileanchedormire in macchina) ma di prendereiltrenonotturno.Hafattolui i biglietti per noiviste le difficoltàchesihanno a fare i biglietti on line in India. Precisoallostessoprezzodellacompagniaferroviaria. Sceltachesi è rivelatasaggia e migliore per noi ma sicuramentemenoprofiqua per luiche ha persoqualchegiorno di lavoro. Fidatevideisuoisuggerimenti, Ranjeed non pensa solo al denaro.

Arrivati a Varanasi Ranjeed ha organizzato per noiunviaggio con autista di 2 giornipassando per Lumbini.

Ancheinquestocasomacchina e autistaimpeccabil.

Gentilezza e premuracostante e ottimogiudatore.

Non posso fare altrocheconsigliarevivamenteuna persona chepiùche è unautistasi è rivelataessere un amico con quale ridere e scherzare ma senzamaiessereinvadente. Se avetedubbi o domande non esitate a scrivergli e lo stessopotete fare a me (

Buonviaggio e buon divertimento Enrico

Nome: Sebastian Straube
Nazione: Germany

Ranjeet is the best Driver I have seen in India. I have been to India a lot and travelled with a lot of different drivers, but Ranjeet Singh was by far the best. He is very very helpful, friendly, speaks fluent English and knows places that aren't in your travel guides. He organizes everything for you if you want so. I highly recommend Ranjeet to all people interested in travelling through India by car.

Nome: Francesca Antonini
Nazione: Italy

Quest'estateabbiamodeciso di affidarci a Ranjeet Singh per la nostra luna di miele in India. Ilnostroviaggio è statoindimenticabile. Ranjeet, non si è limitato a trasportarci da unacittàall'altra, ma ci ha guidatonellascopertadella "vera" India, descrivendociusi e costumilocali. Inoltresi è dimostratosempre pronto a rispondereallenostrerichiesteedesigenze A chiunquevogliaintraprendere un viaggio in Rajasthan consigliamovivamente di rivolgersiall'agenziaColourful India Travel per non rimaneredelusi.

Nome: Faujour B
Nazione: France

Ranjeet Singh est un excellent chauffeur qui vouspermet de visiter à votre guise le Rajasthan; Maisc'estsurtoutunepersonne de qualité qui avec gentilesse, humour et professionnalismevouspermet de découvrirl'Indecommevous le désirez. Je le recommandechaudement pour découvrirl'Inde en voiture.

Nome: Cucabara
Nazione: Germany

WirhabenunsereReisemitRanjeet Singh gemacht, und esnichtbereut: imGegenteil. Mein Mann und ichsindschonetwasälter (o: und hofften auf einenFahrer, der daraufRücksichtnimmt. Und das tat RanjeetSingh.ErfuhrunsmitBravourdurch den verrücktenindischenStraßenverkehr. Und mehrnoch: R. Singh isteinperfekterFremdenführer, seinEnglischistzudemsehr gut. Erschienschonimvorauszuahnen, wonachuns der Sinn stand. EinPäuschenzurrechtenZeit und dannwiederBesichtigungen.Es war einewunderschöneReise. Das Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnisperfekt.Wirkönnen Herr Singh wärmstensempfehlen.

Nome: Theresa Amann
Nazione: Germany

Die besteEntscheidungfüruns in Indien. Ranjeetkümmertsichwirklichwahnsinnigfürsorglich um einen und war füruns den ganzenUrlaublangeinAnsprechpartner. Erorganisiertalles, wie man esmöchte und lässtsichdabeiauchnicht von spontanumgeworfenenPlänenirritieren! ;-) Wirhabenunsbeiihmsehr gut aufgehobengefühlt und würdenihnjederzeitwiederwählen. Fürunseine der bestenEntscheidungen auf unsererReise!

Nome: Frank & Dorothee
Nazione: Germany
Dear Ranjeet,

we hope your are doing fine. The trip in 2012 with you through Dehli, Agra and Jaipur was fantastic. We really enjoyed your friendly service and experience during those days. We can absolutely recommend you and we would like to visit India and you one day again. Best wishes from Germany

Frank & Dorothee


Dear Ranjeet,

we had such a great time in India. You made everything possible we needed or wanted. You organized everything we wanted to see or we had planed... So, thanks for such a wonderful trip and we are happy to met you! Take care and all the best for you!!! Silke & Kai

Nome: Mr and Mrs J D Pring
Nazione: UK

Greetings from a wet and chilly London. Many thanks for your expert driving and all round professionalism. We would have no hesitation in recommending your services to others.

Nome: BESNARD Catherine
Nazione: France

We have very a good memory of our tour in the Rajasthan. You have make us discover your country, your culture of the sites which leave the beaten paths. Your avaibility, your patience has tests on these chaotic roads make that we recommend your services highly.

Nome: Debbie mcbride
Nazione: England
Dear Ranjeet,

I had a wonderful time in India, meeting so many fantastic people I learned so much. India is an incredible country.

Nome: Henry and Gerda
Nazione: Germany
Dear Ranjeet,

thank you very much for your really skillful driving through Delhi. We always felt safe with you - even when left all our luggage there! We enjoyed your always friendly and helpful company very much. Had lots of fun together and want to pronounce your sensitivity for strangers we are in your country. Good luck and take care of you!

Nome: Markus
Nazione: Germany

Thank you for unforgettable two weeks in your wonderful country. Tour planning and driving were very professional, and as a solo traveller I enjoyed your company a lot.

Nome: Isabel
Nazione: Spain

We had a wonderful trip from Delhi to Khajuraho, visiting Jaipur, Agra and Orchha. Ranjeet was a great guide driver and a better travelling mate.

I was a badtempered traveler, because I had lost my luggage at the airport, among other little problems, and Ranjeet helped me to find the necessary and to recover my sense of humour. Great memories, people like Ranjeet make India better.

Nome: Kit and Gaynor
Nazione: United Kingdom

Thanks for a wonderful trip. We so enjoyed meeting you and learning more about your wonderful country. We would also like to to thank you for being such a careful and considerate driver. Driving in India can be quite a scary experience for Europeans but we able to relax completely and we felt safe at all times on out journey. We are glad you like the photos and videos. All the very best Kit and Gaynor.

Nome: Michael
Nazione: Germany

We had a great drive from delhi to agra with rascheet. We enjoyed his safe driving and his relaxed stile even in hard delhi tram jams. He is a good and reliable guy.

Nome: Jelena Heyland
Nazione: Germany

We had a great trip where we saw everything we needed to see within the shortest timeframe, and managed to do everything we wanted to do, plus some extras we didn't even know about that Ranjeet thought we might like, which was great because as non-local it is always great to have some inside tip!

What was great though, was that with Ranjeet, you find a friend, someone with whom you can also laugh and chat during the journey. It was truly awesome to travel with you, Ranjeet!

onsidering the actual events, i must also saw that i felt and was safe the whole time i was with Ranjeet, as well visiting the surroundings as well as in the car, even despite the chaotic driving style that is typically indian. Should I ever come back to India I will definitly call you! I hope you can start your own business, I am sure you will make it! :) take care and drive safely!

Nome: Ami Lasikari
Nazione: FINLAND

We had a most wonderfull and smooth long weekend Delhi/Agra with all the most important sights, arranged by Ranjeet. I must say so many times in India this was the most royal tour of them all! I can sincerely recommend the services of ColourfulIndiatravel and Ranjeet.

Nome: Takunori
Nazione: JAPAN
Dear Ranjeet,

You are really openminded and helpful person. Actually the first day in India. So many people gathered to me, and some of them tried to cheat me. But fortunately I met you, and to knew there where very nice India people. You taught me so kindly about India people and culture, both sides good and bad. If I had not met with you, my travel in India would have been totally different. Your travel plans and driving technic were perfect. I really want to come back to India and travel around India and see you again. Even thought it is hard for me to take long holidays because of my job. Thanks you for your kindness, passion and friendship.

Your friend
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